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Where to Look for Job Listings

Many of the sites that will display your resume also include job databases. You can look through these to find possible positions. All you have to do is connect to the database through that site's home page. Intellimatch, CareerMagazine, the Online Career Center, Jobcenter, and About Work all have databases you can search. The Online Career Center includes posted jobs from thousands of major companies, including Kraft, AT&T and the CIA, among others.

Another site to check out it you want to look at high profile companies is America's Employers (http://www.americasemployers.com/), a company originating from the offline company Career Relocation Corporation of America. Employers is one of the only companies on the Web made up of professionals from the offline world of job searching and relocation services. The company includes a section of Advertised positions for jobs listed by companies. They also have company databases so that you can search for companies by industry location or name. You can even send your resume to recruiting firms. The site has a guided tour that can get you started.

The Monster Board is another site that includes a lot of information. But one of its biggest draws is its jobs database of over 48, 000 job listings.

You should also look through newspaper listings. You can look nationally and locally by checking the Employment Classifieds by state (http://www.ypn.com/topic/880.html), which can connect you to most newspapers within any given state. You can also look in the online newspapers (http://hindin.co.nz/hcl/pridepnt/e-papers.htm) for links to newspapers in every state. America's Job bank (http://www.ajb.dni.us/) holds more than 250,000 national listings. The Best Jobs in the USA Today database (http://bestjobsusa.com) can help you locate jobs. You can also try the JobSmart NewspaperAds (http://jobsmart.org/adjobs/newspap/htm) section for links to other major newspapers across the nation.